Featured Projects
Oil and Gas exploration
Project Summary: Goshawk filed a permit application, compiled a Plan of Operations, and obtained permit authorization from the US Fish and Wildlife Service for the proposed seismic operations on behalf of Jetta Operating Company, Inc., within one month.
Project Summary: Goshawk was eager to provide THC and HUD compliance services for a multi-home site pro bono to support Austin Habitat for Humanity. Due to proactive consultation and quality reporting, authorization to proceed was granted ahead of schedule.
Project Summary: Goshawk conducted an Environmental Assessment of a 200-acre tract and submitted an application for authorization of minor Waters of the US impacts through Nationwide Permit 14. USACE granted Harwood Rail Spur authorization, and the project proceeded.
Project Summary: Goshawk completed a cultural resources survey and Waters of the US determination for submission to USACE on behalf of ConocoPhillips Company. All regulatory agencies concurred within two months.
Land Development
Project Summary: Goshawk successfully prepared a Nationwide Permit 39 application and cultural resources report of Austin Capitol Concrete’s proposed commercial development expansion for authorization by USACE and the THC.
Project Summary: Goshawk conducted a full NEPA assessment and interagency meeting to gain authorization for the expansion of US 183 within an environmentally sensitive area. All permitting agencies issued project authorization thanks to Goshawk’s multi-component mitigation plan.
Project Summary: Goshawk coordinated with several public and private resource protection agencies to create a cost-effective Waters of the US mitigation approach to complete construction within nine months of a cease-and-desist order’s issuance.
Project Summary: Goshawk conducted a field meeting with USACE and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reevaluate the jurisdictional status of two wetlands within a proposed landfill expansion area. USACE and the EPA concurred.